We believe that residence hall living greatly enhances the total educational experience. Research shows that students who live in a residence hall generally have a higher grade point average, have a higher degree of satisfaction with their college careers and are more likely to graduate than students who choose other living arrangements.
Therefore, in an effort to enhance your student’s success, all first year students who graduated from high school between September - June are required to live on campus and participate in the University Meal Plan during their first Fall & Spring semesters at Lamar University. Students wanting an exception to this policy may submit a waiver request for review at the Housing & Residence Life Office.
Institutional and national research shows that students who live on campus are more likely to remain in college, achieve higher GPA’s, and graduate with a degree in comparison to students living off-campus.
All First-Year students. A First-Year student is classified as a student who has graduated from high school within the previous academic year. All First-Year students are required to reside in University housing and to maintain a Residential dining plan during their first year, which will normally include the Fall and Spring semesters. Anyone signing an academic year housing/dining contract will be required to fulfill the terms and conditions of that contract.
First-year, full-time students are guaranteed housing on campus.
Students attempting to live off campus who have not been granted an exemption by Housing & Residence Life will be required to move into a residence hall and will be billed for the full academic year.
First-year students enrolling for the first time in the Fall must live in the residence halls for the Fall and Spring semesters.
First-year students enrolling for the first time in the Spring must live in the residence halls for the Spring semester.
If a first-year student does not complete the Housing Contract OR submit a Housing Exemption Request on or before July 30, a charge for the Fall semester housing and meal plan will be placed on the student’s LU financial account. The student is required to complete the Housing Contract and move into their assigned room. The charges will remain on the student’s LU financial account regardless of whether the contract is completed.
First-year students admitted to LU after July 30 will have housing and meal plan charges automatically placed on their LU financial account. The student must complete the Housing Contract or submit a Housing Exemption Request before the first day of Fall classes.
Students will select a Meal Plan from the available options when completing the Housing Contract.
In accordance with the First-Year Housing Requirement, all first-year, full-time students are required to live in campus housing operated by Lamar University Housing & Residence Life for the entirety of their first year unless they meet one of the following criteria to be considered for an exemption:
We do not automatically grant exemptions and consider each request as it is submitted. We strive to be consistent and equal with all students, so exemptions are seldom granted. Generally, Housing & Residence Life notifies students whether the exemption is granted 1-3 weeks after the request is submitted. Processing time varies due to documentation that is required for consideration but not submitted by the student.
Phone: (409) 880-8550
Hours: M-F, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Email: housing@tsunoi-toso.com
Contact Staff or Residence Halls
LU Police: (409) 880-7777